Thursday, August 28, 2008

hell-ish thoughts.

All went well today. Madam Rosna treated the whole class to meals.
That was certainly a good time.

The whole situation turned to the worst when it came to who to share on the presents.

i wasn't aware what was happening.
just flowing in mid-air. dung....
2 forces. blowing from side to side'
i can't side with any

I was just thinking if i were to be angered no one would be happy.
every party have their own thoughts.
just like the communist and the diplomats.
Fcuk up......
playing along with everyone, tomorrow if any mistakes happens i will voice out.
If some of them thinks that there are problems within the races, they might be false.
it is because maybe nobody cares at all, and as classmates we just wanna cherish the time together for the last moment and challenging our last opponent "O levels"

I don't want the "Mother" of this class to be upset on a day of her celebrations...
My class... please unite and stop being nonchalant towards those denigrate problems, this problems maybe be lethal to the bond.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well. i never went to school today. Woke up late. Tired.
Feeling the fatigue pressing on my back. hais.

Woke up and looked into the dull sky, about to rain huh?
just know i watched the Channel 5 news tonight, the forecast predicted it would rain for the next 3 days. lol.
Looks like i will have to bring umbrella to school but my umbrella is with Jin Sheng.
Sian ah.
Den went out to have dinner.
hmm... wonder how everyone did for their Math mock exam.
Jeez... GOGOGO! =]

Everyone is stressing now.
I can't just stand alone and do nothing.
I have to join them in this war.

Monday, August 25, 2008

bloody fukc

Today is EMO-day.
Moodless. No expression.

Feeling down. Not in da mood to have fun. I wanna fall into a pool of blood and bathe in it.
Can't stop faking this smile any longer. Die Die Die today.
All hail the mighty Shinigami's scythe slaughter me into pieces! argh!

sssssssssssssssx! zzzzzzzzznnnnnnnnnnnngg! chaaaaaaaa!
Kill Kill Kill.
Fcukin' maggots decay in the brain's nucleus~
The iris becomes fully bleached.

Wasn't play basketball properly again. At first didn't wish to play. den i saw someone i didn't like.
this piled on more displeasure in me. Soon i was fixed at a spot not moving.

Went home and saw a toddler on the bus, on his father's arms and the toddler was playing with a sticker that was originally pasted on the sit infront of him. He took it off and turn it in all directions..up down left right and paste it on the back of the front sit again and took it off again. so kawaii desu~ hahas it cheered me up only by one bit. hais. I'm tired. Shouldn' have played basketball.

bye bye .

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Basketball man!

LOL this guy is funny.
Freestyle battles!

SHiro And gang.

I will never give up

Really felt dreaded ,dude. Stressful both in physical games and tactical situations. Can i really be improvised?

Well time now is very early in the morning and im not sleeping yet.
here to do some adding up on previous post.

Just downloaded a lot of songs.

NICKY LEE's Newest album - Imperfect
the song imperfect name as the album's title is recommended. nice.
His unique sound of korean mixed with Chi essence =X

Then it's FT Island's just released album, Colourful Sensibility, almost all their songs suit my style.
I want it ROCK-ed up.
And thats my way, strong vocals and bass from the band powering up the rock ballades.

Third, Big Bang's STAND UP mini-album , catchy rythms.
and they added a new element to their way of singin in the song - Oh My Friend

Finally, a band where i did not notice of, great vocals again somehow like the Tohoshinki style. T.G.U.S (The Guys Using Sound) - God Of Harmony album.
Their hit song, I believe in damn bloody comfortable in ur ears! FUUU!

catch it down here

HAHAS hope u love it. especially a little sotong wait i send u the whole album i confirm u sure like it! If don't like it can hit me as hard as u can.
hahas. xD

Anyway i go sleep le. very tired liao.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Ballin' time

Say 'yo' im bak to rejuvenate my old interest, Watching streetball videos and have a look at it.

Hahas enjoyed? more to come. hehes.
Yesterday go mac do maths, play with HP camera. lol.

Hais. yesterday hand was giving some problems no mood to play basketball again.
Feeling down. no grip no shots. just plain useless.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

BIG relieve.

Wow. Today is interesting you know?
But that was only after the maths remedial.
From morning, ever since i set foot into the class my mood was unstable.
Don't wish to talk, the surrounding was tumultuous, my chair was displaced by someone.
Anger management got out of hand. I waited for the chair to appear in front of me. It just didn't go according to what i wanted. Grabbed a chair from the back and slammed it on my place, lightly, some were shocked some were unhappy. But my nonchalant attitude just didn't get dominated by the watching eyes of others. I was FURIOUS.

Maybe it is because of the intensity that is raging in me, telling me to KILL KILL KILL.
I really felt like Stabbing a knife into the injured part of my arm. It is the main distraction for me to do anything successfully when physical fitness matters.

Today - English Oral Examination
Below average?
I made the two examiners laugh? lol.
they asked me 'what challenges will women face if they were to work?'
i answered ' their appearance would be a challenge to them as a persons appearance can attract the attention'
Teacher: why do you think appearance would matter?
me: i think this is a person's appearance will have an impact in the first impression, for example.
company A has a beautiful spokeswoman while company B has an ugly Spokeswoman. When company A introduces her proposal to the client the client will be attracted to her. while company B will be in a disadvantage position as the client may be bored off by her looks and not pay any attention.
Teacher: Why do this so?
Me: I think ....err.....(have to say something forward) ..... man's instinct is that they like to look at beautiful girls.
Teacher:(laughing) what about men do you think they are the same?
Me: eh... no men are different. Because women don't need men also can live.

hahas. suck sia.
this conversation so funny, my friends say that everyone in the hall heard the teachers laugh...

Den after that.... LOL Stomachache!!
My assss! argh so pain!!! >.<

LOL help.
Walking home with desmond
The wind was blowing harshly on kelvin's stomach. Oh gosh so cold.. Must tahan!
Kelvin wanted to go toilet but there none to be found. He thought of going to Marsiling MRT to emm emm. den he asked desmond for tissue paper! oh desmond u are kelvin's saviour!
thank u thank u.

as it continues...... Kelvin felt like running to the Mrt station's toilet but he was afraid the Da Bian will fly out! argh! shooot! try recalling have u ever heard of a person running with his buttock muscles tightened. that is impossible to run.

den he gek and gek and gek his sai.
Finally he reached the the cubicle already got toilet paper ( dun need to take from desmond in the first place mah =.= )

oooowf! shiok the Dabian has been defeated! Kelvin's journey has ended. he shall live happily ever after. FLUSH U DOWN THE PIPES U DAMN DA BIAN. KNS!

wahahahs. =)

To be continued on another day.

ahahs. funny lei.
really very painful lor. wooohoooo

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Do you Know that?

I don't know what i'm doing. hahas. Have u ever seen me dancing like a monkey? Have u ever heard me singing?
I think i've changed. Previously in my first half of my living years i hadnt done anything like this before.
Is this the doing of countless unhappiness, that made me gone out of my mine?
The sudden liking of all this unlike-me thingy.

PE lesson sibei sian make my arm muscles pain... diao. hit the volleyball wrongly. normally won't won't feel this kind of pain de.
In class i forgot to put on my PE t-shirt then got girls walked by, i blushed.

After school.
At home slept.
6.15 go 178 find JS play ball awhile but no mood.
just anyhow play.
very sian de lor.
when i have no mood o play ball i normally anyhow throw or pass den end up everyone no mood liao.
Cos got D24 there i dun like to play basketball with him.
He very act cool.
hais. worst than benson.

after all. i also didn't want to see that fish around also.

maybe tomorrow go home study straight away. or go mac after oral. very stress la. dun know what kind on path im gonna step on.

Fear comes from when you cannot understand yourself.

dominating this fear takes a lot of effort and hardship.
i'm just a mama's boy.
i can't take this along my everyday life.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

i learnt.

Tired. but im lazy to go to bed.
even if i did go to bed i wouldn't be sleeping.

Today a lot of funny and crazy stuff happened?
In class. In Stadium.
But talking about live is boring.


I hate guys who can't protect their Wife or Their GirlFriends.
they suck.
Example number ONE! my dad.
this is why i detest such kind of guys.
His friends come first, even if my mum is hurt she would put his friends in top priority.
however, i still have to have due respect for him as he kept this family alive with a great women at his back, mummy.

Such an easy but tough duty and they can't even carry out properly.
I talk about it cause a friend was wrongly hurt.
Even if the women is wrong please scold her but not too negative at least show some respect and care. Making things worst by hurting her with an second arrow. blistering through the air to the centre of her heart. dude you're nuts. where has ur brain been to? fed to ur customers?
Why chose her at the first point if u can't be responsible?

This angst... is bringing me to my boiling point.

Sympathia~ ballad of sorrow. Song for forgiveness.
Guys out there whatever comments ur partner give u, please give way or at least oblige to their thinking... U don't wish to have a broken mirror in ur mind ocean do you?

Sunday, August 17, 2008


I'm learning to accept what i am as an IDIOT hehe =p
IDIOT = Genius !?!?
wahahas. no logic huh? this is kelvin's logic!

My memory is no longer as fine as a diamond, so i can't remeber what i did yesterday or the day before yesterday... hais.
check up on my brain and have a surgery? my legs and back bones too?

BUT i do recall that today i woke up at 9.30
lazy to get of the bed and laid there like a pig.
until 10.30 den i switched on the tv and psp. one eye on the tv and the other on the psp? a weirdo i am ^^

ate my nasi lemak. with egg and lots of sambal. oooh~
Ooishi.....actually is because im hungry eh
den watched the beijing olympics replay on men's basketball USA vs Spain.
hahas. sian kobe wasn't performing again. D.wade was awesome! always so act cool...

afternoon lei..... fried dumplings salty and i like it. \+oo+/
after that came to my second home, Singapore, blah blah blahs
go cwp buy comics and straight home. no funny stuff to share... u want share arh? den on ur bluetooth i share with u. SHUDAFCUKUP!

Blogging DailyLife stuffs are boring hope for more interesting topics...
given up on my languages.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


testing testing....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

feeeeeeee. fyyyyyy.whhheeeeeeeeee~


very sian.......... =..=
but yesterday still ok........ *..*
PE lesson. no hope le.monsters.hais.

dissipate the anger with a mug of Soya bean Milk!
die die also dun want listen to her lesson! -----> english lesson
nothing else to say liao lei. i only know i keep on making nonsense.

Oh yea, during maths lesson i and rui wei went to iplay studio do Dnt.
woo hoo~ so good got air con and permission to listen to music.
the rest of the classmates have to stay in class. so sad T_T

what what what! dun take my thing!
hi! im the ambassador to history textbooks.

ooisek! can see my boss arguing? so shuai~ so yan dao de lor!

Monday, August 4, 2008

unfinished? finished?

有一种痛 很确定的 我走不开

就像潮汐 总会回来 没有意外

故事段落 写到现在 开始慌乱

亲吻你脸颊 感觉还在 但你推开

怎样收藏 这份爱 太多伤害

太过精采 这一次 我知道

我无法释怀 你离开

我明白 你给的爱

真的是爱 我不愿放开

你在我心里的位置 还在

你在猜 我给的爱

会不会伤害 能不能依赖


有个人 还在等待

Artist: 蕭閎仁

this song just suit my mood yesterday before i went to sleep.
im gonna set it as my back ground music. =]
hmmm.... this singer just debut and has made quite some fame. Jay Chou and Wang Lee Hom both gave him support. hahas.
He can sing in dialect very well too.

I would give it a 7.8/10 for his debut new album.

im kinda bored out today in school...

just kept quiet and smiled. hais. not fun at all. just imagining the tune of sentimental songs breezing through the air.

Hmm, POA i'm having the catch on it. finally! but i really wanna pass this subject. If possible i might try to force myself to bond my mind with it. ^^

I just wanna tell u that live has a lot of meaning.
Now that i have forgotten, the thinking will be lessen.
Hais. Hope the Decadence doesn't really exist.
i still wanna live until i earn 5 Million dollars.
i took a few pics. this were from the last mathematics lesson.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Lol. theres a pimple on my face argh! like mountain sia....
hais. watched movie on friday.

i dun have anything to post on. My life is just one word. BOREDOM.
=[ so sian.

and also thank 'you' anyway i know what to do liao. =]