Monday, August 4, 2008

unfinished? finished?

有一种痛 很确定的 我走不开

就像潮汐 总会回来 没有意外

故事段落 写到现在 开始慌乱

亲吻你脸颊 感觉还在 但你推开

怎样收藏 这份爱 太多伤害

太过精采 这一次 我知道

我无法释怀 你离开

我明白 你给的爱

真的是爱 我不愿放开

你在我心里的位置 还在

你在猜 我给的爱

会不会伤害 能不能依赖


有个人 还在等待

Artist: 蕭閎仁

this song just suit my mood yesterday before i went to sleep.
im gonna set it as my back ground music. =]
hmmm.... this singer just debut and has made quite some fame. Jay Chou and Wang Lee Hom both gave him support. hahas.
He can sing in dialect very well too.

I would give it a 7.8/10 for his debut new album.

im kinda bored out today in school...

just kept quiet and smiled. hais. not fun at all. just imagining the tune of sentimental songs breezing through the air.

Hmm, POA i'm having the catch on it. finally! but i really wanna pass this subject. If possible i might try to force myself to bond my mind with it. ^^

I just wanna tell u that live has a lot of meaning.
Now that i have forgotten, the thinking will be lessen.
Hais. Hope the Decadence doesn't really exist.
i still wanna live until i earn 5 Million dollars.
i took a few pics. this were from the last mathematics lesson.


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