Thursday, July 31, 2008

love is not what i 'learnt'

this is like poking my ear with a pen.

the conflicts found in news were made real in class. burhs~

SIAN eh.

why can't we make all this matters 'rest in peace'? #.#

This is obviously just plain misunderstanding and not 'giving in'.....
make me a prey
shatter the poison clotted in the red dense blood.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

blinded by sanguinity.

mummy the monkey is peeping under my skirt

hahas. haven't update this space for .. let me count. i forgot i don't know how to count. =P

today was somewhat contructive? after finishing my food for recess went back to class immediately to do poa lei. then during poa lesson learnt something i never had interest in. ( no interest den why i learn? =/ )

on the way home went to buy soya milk den heard some people calling oi oi oi. dunno who sia. never wear specs can't recognise, this eyes need some polishing. think is my ah ma bah, cos some one called sunzi! i'm so young ~ bleahs.

home sweet home and bound to be in front of my laptop surfing the whatever, whenever, whoever also can find fishing net. thats my everyday must do~! however, the cyber world is staring to bore me, formed by '1's and '0's. How amazing it is, with just only codes the web is formed. Games are created. Software are developed.

nothing appealing to say, dying off... toot....toot....toot.... tet...........................................

Saturday, July 19, 2008


i never went to school friday.
i had always wanted to be in a fantasy world of my own.
making my own stories.
i will play as the protagonist.
wielding a sword. defending for the sick.

in reality. im the bad guy. but im also the good guy.

i wish i could've just be an animal. only living for the sake of survival.
they needn't care whether they have to study to qualify for any jobs.

have u ever felt that there were 2 importan persons in your mind at one time.
thats confusing.
it made me lost feeling for the first.
however, i struggled and knew that the first was the precious one, when i was upset there would be a listening ear.

when the first speaks to me, i'm cheerful deep down in the brain.

i long for that kind of smile. the smile where even the ugliest person would look like a beautiful flower.

.out of track. byebye.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lost in 2 worlds.

Jin sheng and gason
Jia Yi and Gason
Yit Hoong and Gason
Jing Ying and Gason
Gason feeding his Pet pig with strawberries
On da Bus- Jing Ying and Yit hoong. Peace Y-0.0-Y
Camera men against Camera men
Hey Yo! wassup were the ones.
look here gay boy =']

look here lei.... only know how to eat =.=
this one also only know how to eat.
Look on as our chief chef makes the stew
The chief chef eats
HUh? what is the matter?
Hahas. yesterday was damn fun. altough i didn't joint them for a game of pool.
Morning i woke up and went to Admiralty MRT to meet my cousins for morning breakfast at around 10.15am. I saw Ms Joy Lim my maths teacher. wakekeks. she walked away very fast when she saw me. i nv noticed her only until i saw a person walking so fast and awkwardly.
She's afraid i would make fun of her? lol. I went ahead to stuff my mouth with prata. My Cousins feasted on the kway chap. the irony is that normally there would also be roasted pork but their kway chap only got the pig's small intestines o.0
After that went to CWP took my clothes from my sister and head back home to change.
11.30 reached CWP to meet my cousin's again for a movie, Red Cliff.
The strategies, formations are awesome some state of the art kind of coolness. wow!
The plot and storylines are funny though you may find it bored as it is an extract frm the romance of the three kingdoms.
After the movies set off to bukit timah shopping centre to meet Gason they all.
hhaas. reached there den Jing ying came over and fetch me to where the others were. after having lunch at Macdonalds, next stop, far east plaza. There was nothing much to our favour.
but a lot of Chio bu wor.... hehe. we also bought a purpple coloured belt as a gift for Gason. We chose purple as it was the international Gay colour hahas. bleahs.
den around 5.45 we went to Novena, at Zhen Fa Living seafood. hahas. (zhen fa huo hai xian)
we had our fill almost couldn't finish. out of 7 of us there was 3 under aged drinkers.
Me, Jin Sheng, Jia Yi and Jing Ying. never got caught so happy.
Wei jing is my idol liao la. we got one whole bowl of prawn den nobody ate in the end he pel all the feels and threw everyting back to the shell. example he picks up a cooked prawn and purposely make it fall on the table and says: " ai yo this prawn cannot be eaten liao dirty liao~"
hahas. stupid. but this is our company's spirit! hahas. CRAP!
Due to the limited amount of drinks provided. we went to the store next door, CHEERS and bought some drinks. I'm still a little boy i drink pepsi.
they all shared a large can of beer. hahas.
everyone had a sip except JIN SHENG..... hais poor thing. Jia yi kept on Snatching away the beer and tried drinking all up. hahas. everyone was like whose gonna be the next person to drink as there were 2 girls and it is like a indirect kiss. hahahas.
bleahs. oh yeah my last pinch of beer was took away by a stupid fish. argh!
Finally the bus came and we boarded the bus.
The story of the trip in the bus.......
it was a half filled bus.
every passenger was very quiet. zoom in>>>>>>>>>>>> at the back of the bus got on bunch of teenagers all kicking up a fuss. hahas.
we took photos and videos.
hahas, Stupid but cute and i loved it!
When we reached blk 178 there de MAMA shop me and Jing Ying played with. i used my butt to push the cat away as we need to start slicing the cake le. We opened up the box and tadadada! the cake. no longer cool. softened and oily. vvvvvvvvrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....sang the Birthday song~ blew the candles.cake fight..... hahas. Jia Yi and Yit Hoong threw cakes den lucky we never kena. such a waste sia the cake. hais.
den Yit Hoong and Jia yi went to clean up themselves. hahas.
The clothes were stained hahas.
then we went home le.
woo hooo! shuang.
However today morning when i woke up.
My mind was fcukingly being confused and felt like i am drifting between time and space.
I was thinking of something that had betrayed my conscience.
I can't tell u what it is. u will only know if you're a mind-reader.
anyway today we celebrated birthday for leanne by eating another birthday cake. too bad leanne's reaction was a bit disappointing. lol.
the rest i dun wanna talk about it.

Friday, July 11, 2008


hey yo!
i'm back to this old tattered weathered torned blog.
Hmm. seems like the last 2 days have been fine.

yesterday, went out to find jin sheng because i had nothing to do. Then he was with jia yi. den we 3 slack play HP play PSP. the rain got heavier.
Went to ta bao Chicken rice and eat den JS want to buy waffles den also go buy. left Jia yi sitting at the void deck alone bah. hahas. we so cruel~ >..<
At 178! Meet up with Jing Ying. The 2 JYs came together le! Jing Ying and Jia Yi.
hohohoho. hmm. sat down and do stupdi stuff. me and js sing song>>> oh~ Ni shi wo zui shen ai de nan ren! and Oh~ Ni Shi wo zui shen ai de Fat PIG!
hmm. so gay =.= hehe but fun de leh.
Woots. Jason and Yit Hoong came le. more stupidity this time lor.
JIa Yi and Yit hoong always KB each other non-stop.
JIng Ying took my Hp see got what songs.
I and JIN sheng slack and be even more gay! WHEE~~~~
james aka monkey also finally reach le, oh the husband and wife reunited again.
DEN nth to do also. i EMO sit there wakekeke.
den he say all about his army life wah funny lor.
around 9.30 we went to eat supper den i went home liao. hehe.
also took pics on my way home.

Today, Morning 6a.m. the alarm rang den i wanted to hv more rest so i slept awhile, when i woke up it was already 7a.m. !!! ah!!!!!!! den chiong ah bath change into PT kit. hahas. den called SY ask her go which entrance, den when i reach the time was.... only 7.15 I think i too fast le bah. the journey for the x-c'try was easy? hais. No cake ah. Made my shoes dirty diao~

After that went home le. very fast reach home also. hehehes.
Used internet downloaded a lot of chinese songs lor. hehe.
DEn went to meet the other to set off for NGEE ANN POLY.
ooh =.= as if _|_
went there only a while... diao
waste time. den came back. At jurong MRT centre we saw EDWIN from Primary School de.
To tell u the truth la. during P6 he break with the Girl i liked cos he only stead with that girl for granted. hais. so i wasn't really very happy with him.

Hmm. felt uneasy in MRT as i heard something. hahas.
The girls went to Breeks i and Rui Wei go comics connection.

after that go play basketball. todays game was enjoyable. everyone was around except james.

My cousin asked me out to Chong pang and have dinner with them.
wow delicious and spicy!
SAmbal manta ray, spicy Lala shells , chicken Wings, Rojak and most of all SAMBAL SOTONG!!!! HEHES

den went to Mac and chat le. long time never had a nice chat with them. today was a good chance to do so.

anyway nothing else le. Byes!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

NEED silence

one week never blog. now im back to report.
stupid oral examinations. I sure die de la.
This few days super boring.
Me and Jin Sheng everyday KI SIAO sit down at 178 stare at space as if got pretty girls flying in the air.
argh. den play psp.
Prelims are about to end. TMR is PRACTICAL. i overslept for PHY and still i have da go for pracs.... drown me. PLEASE!
Last week taught 2 girls pool. the old one not really sure she understand or not. but the small one sure is a good learner. cos im a good teacher >.< wakekekes!

Today is my first time in life i actually use at least 2 hours to do DNT men!
woots. after that was all just bones and skins, my juice were all squeezed out and laid on the table.

DUNNO what kind of students our school have push in the chair also need to drag. hai ya....
I was disturbed from my sleep!

den go dnt i-play studio around 12.40 go cwp eat Long John and buy comic. den it is the end... ORAL TIME>>>>>>

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


argh! i hate it! i hate it!
i can't take it.
just coming back here to keep the blog rolling.

I finally feel the shadow hovering behind me.
being criticised by the other me.
i wanna know the future.
Which road to take will i have a better career?

another factor affecting my thinking, my stomach and head is giving me problems.
everytime i take in food i feel like going to toilet straight. When i think i get constant headaches.

recently i found that shedding blood for friendship is more important than shedding blood for pride.

sian eh.
Today, hais, so 'not myself'
Went to watch movie. hahas.
said too much.
was acting unnaturally.
don't know why.

Rip me off.
maybe i'm too stupid.
forget forget forget forget forget.
refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh.
believe in myself.