Wednesday, April 9, 2008

clear view

Fadhilah Azizah Me ZiHao ____ Tricia Steven Zongwang
Sidiq Rozmira Desmond Ruiwei ____ Samir Asri Namira Farah
Dilhani Shakeela Azruhil Zul _____ Sarah Nazirah ShuYi YiJia
YeQing MeowHui Yanti XJ _______ Madelline Irene Munirah Noriyah
____________________________ Lina ShiShi Hafez Tariq

^Our Class-seating arraangement.^
The first thing i did when i entered class.
i had a clear view on the class movements.
i was siting on my table with my foot on the chair.
Quiet and observing the people around.
Everyone was doing their own things.
Some were Eating.... those two behind -.-
some were reading....
some had their head laying on the table....
some were arguing...desmond and ruiwei hahas.

There was this special feeling. Is like everyone was in their own composure.
NO constraints.
and of course there is No DOUBT that we are 5s1.

for once i feel like a class.
Den mrs Soh came in. Whenever it was her lesson, i would try to be enthusiastic so she won't scold me. opposite from Zong Wang, he could sit down there and sleep with his eyes open. All kinds of sleeping techniques. AHHAS.

Den MT write compo. OKOK. but i lack the spirit to write what i think. but just copying my peers for the answer. Den i bo liao go write. "我厄杀了一个平白无辜的小生命,他连世上的山珍海味,美味佳肴都还没尝试就死了。"
i was writing about de bao zhang bao zhang de ying xiang.
but i write until like the child pity only because he never have the chance to eat when i had to write that he was very ke lian.
Totally no link to what i was writing!

PoA okok again like yesterday.
den geograhy test. wah sian ah never finish the paper.

Now at home, have to finish the geography Mindmap that mdm Radha ordered me to do.
i am the only one who has to do that.. wah sian.
jiu ming!!!


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