Tuesday, March 11, 2008

crucifying to salute.

Because it's white, it's said it wants to be white
Because it's white, something can be blended in
The water in a little bowl became clear
Little by little the colours faded away
Eventually humans corrupt
Humans can be discolored by other humans
This star they both live on together is discolored
They strangle themselves
How do you describe the time
when the trees coldly looked up at the building that towers above?
The earth is touched by a bloodied hand
Without kindness, flowers withered and died
And by that hand, which has no heart,the future without sins is murdered
Eventually humans corrupt
Humans can be discolored by other humans
This star they both live on together is discolored
They strangle themselves
In this civilization what sort of life do you picture is the one we wanted?
In this selfish egotistical struggle
What was shed was not blood, but the tears of the planet
The Earth, born so billions of years ago
The proportion of time we've been in existence is just a few seconds
We have not aided in the recovery of the planet
We have not lived our lives in order to help the earth
However, we alone have known an unblemished love
The End is near by, but you who have known love will be all right
This lyric suits my feeling alright! Damn Alright!
Sorry. i was trying to release my intense anger.
Sian la. Today. Yesterday. Raining.
Tommorrow? hope it won't rain.
Rain Rain go away
come again another LIFE!
hais. Woke up at 12pm. and haven't stepped out of this house one step.
I'm so extra extra extra extra!
LOL. Who cares. a parasite should be removed from this world.
For every parasite killed the world would be a better place.
Some people deserve to be denouned D.E.A.T.H.
Only when i rule myself to be a living one.
Then would i continue my vitality cord with grace.


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